This girl was WILD last night. She kept laughing hysterically when we would pretend to take the phone away from her. She was so intent on watching me that she walked straight into the wall. I think we'll try this method again because she slept SO well. No waking up until 5:30!
she has been cracking herself up a lot lately, can't wait until she can share the jokes.
love the baby jokes - that is one funny baby! and I was looking at the first pic wondering what cool cabinet that was - and then it dawned on me - great picking of the glass Missy!
I hope she never outgrows the mary jane sockies!
She's getting so big! I love the wild laughing baby. There is just nothing sweeter.
Okay Lis- if 5:30 is sleeping in to you then you need to borrow the Ferber book from Ryan and Megan. I'm about to return it (so it'll be available shortly) because we successfully "re-ferberized" Lauren and she's back to sleeping from 8-7! (knock on wood!).
We need a bigger house for Ferber. Keep your fingers crossed!
Val- WE HAVE FERBERED. And Ferbered. And more Ferbered.And although we are much better off then we were - 8 to 7 still makes me want to cry with jealousy. :) And heck Lis - if she is this happy when she's up? You've got it made!
KK, let's be honest. Part of FERBERING does not mean going in and rubbing their backs each time. Oh boy, am I getting myself in deep. Needless to say, I've never seen Maddie anything but an angel and these pics depict her personality perfectly!
you're under the bus KK
Wow - you probably won't even go back this far to read my comment - I'm a little behind on my blogging. What I love is catching up and finding out that I've been thrown under the bus in my absence! Nice. Thanks Meg. The book I read DID say to go in at timed intervals but ok fine - I give in. You fix her. I'll buy you 5 pairs of shoes, you take a week, I'll take a vacation and when I return, I want a full 10 hour night. Deal?
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