Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Next time I'll take back up

I went with Madeline to the aquarium on Thursday. This is the only picture I got. It was the first time she'd been there since walking. Maybe I should say the first time she'd been there since RUNNING b/c that's all we did. That and say hi to this old lady. Apparently she is not shy.


Laurie said...

always be nice to old ladies, Mads, they might knit you cute things and they generally have candy in their purses (tho sometimes it's kind of linty and most likely swiped from the jar at the local IHOP or something like that)

Val said...

Ahh... that is so sweet she likes old ladies. I bet it made her day. I really need to visit the aquarium one of these days!

Meg said...

I don't know why, but I am absolutely dying laughing at this picture! She looks so cute, and so teeny tiny. Her little bob, and little darling outfit, and her funny look she's giving the stationary old woman. It's just perfect! Thank you for posting this, it made my day!

Hope said...

Oh that is so funny!!! I remember when I first took Hope to the zoo by myself after she started "running". I almost went out that day to buy a leash! :) And I bet little Maddie made that ladies day!