Tuesday, July 15, 2008

No Crack

How cute is this?

Dad goes a little fast in the water. Especially for my first lake swim!


Laurie said...

mean daddy. No lake swimming before August at the earliest!!!

Val said...

she looks happy in the last picture. That first one is cute, even though she's sad. it's a cute sad face.

zaideafraidey said...

for all of his life Kip said the only reason he would ever want kids was to torture them, looks like his dream is coming true. Oh well he did the same to Meg and looked how she turned out......(what fear # are we one now???)

Meg said...

Love her little peaches peaking out. Get that girl a wetsuit, then she won't have to put up with her mean Papa.

Hope said...

I would feel bad for Maddie in these pics but I know she has the upper hand and her torture of Daddy is right around the corner. . . :) How is it that a plumbers crack can actually look cute???

jgf said...

I still cry when I jump in the lake this early in the Summer!