Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A last look at the bedroom with no doors. This morning she slept in until NINE O'clock!!! (she was in my parent's basement. No Noise, no light, etc...)
A costco sized bag of fun. This is what I get for not paying attention!

Yup, it was everywhere. Kip, being the excellent packer that he is decided it would be a good time to put this in the cracks of the floor (it is supposed to stops squeaks). I decided we could afford the $2 and he could do it at another time and help me pack instead.
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Meg said...

She is SO very proud of herself. What in the hell is it? Nine o'clock...Amen to that!

Sue said...

Love that she is carrying on the tradition of making "onion gush-gush"!

Unknown said...

I love the footprints! And leave it to Kip to try any excuse to get out of packing for himself.

Laurie said...

good grief I hope that wasn't toxic. Now that she's walking, nothing is safe!