Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Looking for paint inspiration, found the swings instead

If Anyone has ANY ideas for paint let your voice be heard. I am thinking along the green line. (exterior)
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Meg said...

Cute swing pics, even if it has notihing to do with paint color...Geeze, there are SO many opttions. I have a million ideas:)!

Laurie said...

what a wild woman, she def. needs a zip line for the backyard!

Laurie said...

check out this color combo (I love it) http://www.benjaminmoore.com/bmpsweb/portals/bmps.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=fh_aura_hiddenPage&NodeUUID=%2FBEA+Repository%2F550022

Lis said...

Shoot, it just took me to the aura page. Which color was it? I LOVE and NEED ideas

Laurie said...

I am thinking you found it right? It was the craftsman color combo.

Lis said...

Found it! Like it. I also left a note on someone's door. Hopefully they get back to me. Very similar colors to the ones you found