Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thank You Kathi!

Kathi, a LONG time family friend saved my butt recently. Kip and I had a case of, "who's wearing the hat?" (ask b-z) Madeline took advantage of our confusion and broke one of my mom's treasured vases. It was made by a friend who had died with oak tree leaves from a tree had died. Could I be any more screwed? Here comes Kathi to the rescue. She spent HOURS (i'm sure a lot of them) reforming the vase pieces into this very beautiful lamp.
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Meg said...

Oh hooray, that's so awesome! Such a good idea!!

zaideafraidey said...

with all the death history the lamp was destined to be a goner...did come out neat though. Your moms house is a treasure trove of wonderful things...to break. Get the hat!!!

Laurie said...

childproof stat!