Friday, November 28, 2008

19 months!

Okay, how perfect is this exam room?

Madeline is in the 12th percentile for height, 20th percentile for weight. Totally healthy baby.
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Sue said...

can you believe she's that old??? And since she loves butter she can join Loggie in a butter-licking-off-the-soda-crackers contest!

Meg said...

Okay, I am so in love with her teeny tiny chub poking out of her dipes. Wish that's all I had! Love that she's such a saves Zaide on days she has to carry both because two-ton Tessa makes up for both of them.

Laurie said...

tiny tot and chub-deb, a perfect duo.

zaideafraidey said...

girls 20 percentile does not a chub deb make!!