Friday, November 21, 2008

Hair Ideas

How about

or if you look @ jocelyn's blog her mom has a cute cut.


Lis said...

after getting a sad email from Kip: "you don't want to grow it out?" I thought I'd clarify that this was for B-Z

Katie said...

the 3rd one just looks like Meg's hair... but they are all pretty cute

Sue said...

I figured the cuts weren't for you when I saw B's pitiful plea . . . they would all look cute on her!

Meg said...

Mom, I got an idea, Tami and are taking you short and you will be getting the cut as soon as you call Tami and schedule an appt. Trust me, we just talked about it on Tuesday when I got my haircut and this was before your plea. We are such twin travelers.

Meg said...

Just looked at the pics...I can guarantee you the B can't do swoopy bangs, she can't stand hair in the eyes, for her, or for others:). But I would love to see her pull of a Posh Spice haircut...she's definitely wacky enough, maybe not trendy enough:). Love ya mom.

zaideafraidey said...

Megs those fingers must are the goofiest email typer ever.

Meg said...

Kip, we think you are a dork for wanting Lis' hair to grow out. And your Oedipal Complex is coming out strong since you're wanting to be married to your Mama circa 1970.

Laurie said...

yikes. It's ok Kipper, I think long hair is pretty too (well not mine but I am too much of a tard to have a 'hairdo'.) And Zaide you can always revert to the pixie. Check that picture I posted of you a week or so ago, good look for you lol