Thursday, February 12, 2009

Picabo Street?

We made it up skiing last Sunday. It was a lot of fun. We met up with Adrienne (cousin), Bruce(fiance) and Shane (cousin). Madeline was the hit of the slopes. We did one run on the baby chair and then moved our way up the mountain. Three runs were all her little legs were in for. Had we stayed on the baby chair I think we would have done quite a bit more. Can't wait to go up again.
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Hope said...

I can't believe how cute she looks skiing. Even made Robert want to go. Awesome.

zaideafraidey said...

darling, darling, darling - what a brave little skiier.

Laurie said...

does she even HAVE a fear bone? Or did Hadley get all of them. I'll bet she created a sensation on the slopes, I know I would stop skiing to watch this little bean.

bgirl said...

LOVE it. adorable.