Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Danger Dave

Today we had our fifth (our fourth, I can't remember) lesson. Two lessons ago we pooped in the pool (thank god for swim diapers). Today we moved our floats from two up front and two in the back to one up front, three in the back. This forces Mads to do more of a crawl stroke. I was quite proud. That is until she decided to let go of the wall (NOT ALLOWED) and take off laughing as I tried to grab the last remaining strand of hair I could reach...big trouble from Miss Tracie. Then, post slide everyone gets to jump in. Madeline and I had an agreement that she was going to wait until it was her turn. Apparently I forgot to have her sign said agreement. Once again, BIG TROUBLE. No more videos after that. I had the naughty child of the group for sure.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

After the Easter Eggs we Needed A Bath

And Rudder hopped in too join her. This was a far bigger mess than the eggs...
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Easter Eggs

Since we have no furniture I thought it would be fun to invite Hannah over for a little mess. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and we have a lot of beautiful (cracked) eggs. Madeline was in love with the whole process and even tried to eat a tablet before we even started. Hence the orange all over her mouth...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How Much do you Hate her?

Sonja that is. She is going to Rome for a month in August.

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Suh-winging in the Rain

Rain or shine we love the 'wee.
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Madeline's Favorite of my Birthday Gifts

B-Z knitted this great pillow with Jilly Bean on it. So sweet. Madeline immediately fell in love and the pillow now has a home on HER bed. The first night I had it she wanted to sleep with it and on her nightly trek to come into my bed she brought it with her. Kip woke up to her walking in and asked, "did she bringthe pillow with her?" We both cracked up despite the fact that it was 3:00 A.M. Thanks B-Z/Zaide
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Monday, March 16, 2009


After our third lesson we've "run" to the wall all on our own. What fun. Madeline still has her floats on but has gained enough stability to kick herself around the pool. The slide is still our favorite lesson activity and we do not require a hand when jumping in...we're perfectly okay with launching ourselves in the water thank you very much.
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Friday, March 13, 2009

The Rock

Love the Smirk
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Going to the Park

We HEART this warm weather. Too bad the rain is coming tomorrow.
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It was 92 inside and 32 out...

I waited until too late to pull out my camera. Just a tad steamy. This is Madeline at her new simming lessons. She is IN LOVE. We go every Monday and Wednesday for 30 minutes. The first class she had a complete tantrum at the end and decided to throw her body on the ground and scream in protest. (She did NOT want to leave) I in turn sweated. At first I enjoyed the tropical temps....come temper tantrum time I was quickly shedding clothes. Second lesson went much better (changed the time from 1130-naptime, to 130-post nap) but who do you think Madeline affiliated with-good kids or the bad boy? Yup, you guessed it. The little 2.5 year old boy who was bouncing all over the walls and not holding on to the wall as he was supposed to was definitely Madeline's fav'.
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Monday, March 9, 2009

Birthday Fun

Yesterday, Sunday, Madeline, Kip, Chris, Sophia and my dad and I went to crystal to ski. There was a ton of fresh snow and it was beautiful...little crowded but that's okay. Madeline was once again the hit of the slopes. I swear everyone would stop us and ask, "how OLD is she?!" Totally adorable. I decided to skip the camera and just bring the flip video camera instead. Unfortunately if you leave it in the car it doesn't do much good. here are some cell phone pics of our hot chocolate warm-up.

After skiing we went over to my mom and dad's for some delicious mexican food. What a fun perfect day.

Book Worm?

(Pics courtesy of Nonna)

Sunday, March 8, 2009


During the remodel we seem to have gained a few pets. I thought we had them all taken care of when I went to get bread out of the drawer one day and saw nibble marks all over the loaf. How absolutely disgusting. I threw everything away. Scrubbed. Vacuumed, etc...
Last night I think I figured it out...

Never mind. Madeline disappeared for a few minutes and came back upstairs with this. Wonder where those nibble marks came from?
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