Sunday, March 8, 2009


During the remodel we seem to have gained a few pets. I thought we had them all taken care of when I went to get bread out of the drawer one day and saw nibble marks all over the loaf. How absolutely disgusting. I threw everything away. Scrubbed. Vacuumed, etc...
Last night I think I figured it out...

Never mind. Madeline disappeared for a few minutes and came back upstairs with this. Wonder where those nibble marks came from?
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bgirl said...

hilarious...laughing out loud here in the living room.

bummed we missed you today, but it was the right choice for us.

still REALLY want to connect.

Laurie said...

lol!!! I was going to insist you move immediately due to heinous rat infestation, but relieved to know it's just your little rascal.

zaideafraidey said...

can't believe you blamed the rats!! I too was fearing for my Wednesday life a little bit...