Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Child does NOT like to sleep

Last night Madeline really wanted to play out in the yard. It was past her "bedtime" (that is kind of a joke) but we let her anyhow.

This is her "if I smile big enough maybe I won't have to come inside" look

This is her "I am not happy with you" look after I told her it was time for bed.

This is what it looks like to get ignored by a two year old.

This picture is for Hadley who had probably been sleeping for hours when this sunset occured.

This is a picture of my child faking that she is going to sleep. She didn't actually fall asleep until after ten. She kept trying to sneak idea what for. She loves to close doors though so every time she would leave her room she'd close the door and give herself away. Of course she is now sleeping and I have to go wake her up to go to work. Perfect.


Laurie said...

rascal! Those baby blues must let her get away with murder tho. I'd certainly melt. And love her not very good at being sneaky door closing move.

Val said...

She and Lauren are in the same club, Lauren is refusing to sleep these days and it is a nightmare! I love Maddie's cute bed set!!!