Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rock Climber

If I can't find Madeline it's usually because I am not looking up. I keep her shoes on a high shelf in her closet and kept finding them on the floor in her room and throughout the house. I could not figure out why until one day I went into her bedroom and voila, there she was climbing her closet shelves. Another time I followed her around upstairs and she climbed her changing table like a ladder. It promptly got moved away from the window it was next to. (oh, and I think she's saying "good job")


Laurie said...

good job indeed! Cute little monkey. The Y has a climbing wall and the boys LOVE it. Mikey was seriously bummed when they changed the rules and told him he was too little to go on it.

bgirl said...

okay, stop it's killing me. she it too damn much.

Meg said...

Wow, she is really good! That's some serious climbing. Jealous of your kids skills, she's such a little athlete.

Laurie said...

and your child, Megan? Any sign of athletic ability? I already know she can accessorize like nobody's biznez.

zaideafraidey said...

I think her "shortness" may be the reason she likes to climb. The other day when we were strollering she had to sit on the handlebar of the stroller the whole time.

Katie said...

oh that is too freaking cute!!! i love how her and hadley are such polar opposites.

Unknown said...

I love our little climber. She's so fearless. Are you guys coming up for stitch and bitch? I hope we get to see you all!