Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Allie Taylor Davis

Not the best picture but this girl LOVES to cuddle while she sleeps. Uh-oh...

Madleine is doing well with Allie. She loves to touch, hold and (try to) play with her. Keep your fingers crossed she keeps up this great attitude.


7:56 AM


7.77 lbs


Katie said...

welcome Allie!!! she is gorgeous, looks just like Mads! :) and you look great too. LOVE those pics of the girls and Kipper

Unknown said...

Your newest addition is lovely. I especially love the pic of Kip holding Maddy and Allie. So precious. Can't wait to come see you all!

Laurie said...

super presh family!!!! And she is a total clone of her big sissie. I'm sure that once Mads pulls her off the bed (that's Katie's big act of hate towards the new little sibling), she will be fine and enjoy her role as big sissie. PS you look wonderful, what a pretty new mom!

heather said...

Congrats Liz and Kip - she is very, very cute!! Can't wait to meet her!

Sue said...

you are glowing Lis - don't think it has anything to do with having that baby on the hottest week EVER! She is adorable - love her little rosebuds lips.

Katie said...

i'm quite sure baby Tony completely deserved being pulled off that bed. just saying.

Laurie said...

well, he was only about a week old, so not sure he really DID anything to require being dumped on his head. But you were being dethroned as THE BABY so I guess he needed to die :-)

Val said...

Congratulations! Allie is darling and I just love her cute name. Maddie looks like a great big sis already! Can't wait to meet her.

zaideafraidey said...

just so you all know what a wonderful DOL I have, they left for the hospital at 2:20 am, called us as they went out the door. As many of you know, Bob is never w/out his phone. But on this night did he answer/hear it. They called continuously. The nurse wanted to break Lis water, but she said she wanted to wait for me to get there. Finally Meg appeared at my bedside at 5:30 am and we raced down 405 to see little Allie born. What in heck do you do/get form someone who does something like this? I am so grateful and in love with new Miss A.

Meg said...

First of all, Kip and Lis you are definitely the local favorites for waiting for Mom to be there. Wish you could have seen us racing down 405 with mom crying and me trying to assure her we'd make it in time (although to be honest, I'm a glass half empty gal, so I didn't think we had a prayer). She is every piece of perfect, didn't make a peep the whole time we were there. And it was sooooo special to be there with you guys minutes after she arrived. I think Hadley may have a new favorite because she's pretty smitten with Miss Allie cat.

Laurie said...

for starters you can get the new mom some nap time :-) and how special/lucky to be there to see this beautiful girl get born. Smack Baba tho, WTF. First time he has EVER not been looking at his phone.

Jocelyn said...

congrats! she's perfect. sorry i'm so late to the punch.. but with the wedding etc. she's so cute!