Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thanks to her you have some pics

On Thursday afternoon Allie was sleeping more than her usual self. I was feeling flu-like and my temp was high so I thought I should also take Allie's as well. Of course the rectal/armpit thermometer was no where to be found so Kip ran to the store and bought two. After informing Megan that she had 104 (versus the 100.4) temp. we were told to go to the hospital. After clarifying that it was only 100.4 we were told to go if it got up to 103. At 11:50 PM it did so Allie and I loaded up the 'roo and headed out. Conveniently Megan failed to mention the catheter, blood draw and SPINAL TAP that this poor little bean had to go through. She also failed to mention that we were going to be held hostage for 48 hours. Gotta love her. All of the cultures came back negative for bacteria and her temp came down so we are home now, 6:00 on Saturday night. Allie, if you didn't want a party you could go about it in a different way next time! Anyhow, Megan insisted that we take pictures of Allie in the hospital which I did. Unfortunately all you get are the cell phone pics b/c I don't have a card reader anymore. Anyhow, very tired and quite sure I have strep throat so enjoy the pics!


Laurie said...

OMG Poor baby!! and mama/daddy too, I'm sure it was horrifying. When Cara was 3 we had to take her to the ER when her throat swelled shut. I couldn't remember anything they asked (her middle name, birth date, etc), I was so rattled. Glad she is ok, and yay for having nurse Megs on duty!

Katie said...

love the pic of Meg sprawled across her bed! ;)