Sunday, September 20, 2009

8 Weeks Old...and Smiling!

Madeline continues to be quite the little helper. When Allie cries in the car I always hear a high pitched, "it's okay Allie" coming from the backseat. Madeline also can be quite informative: When Allie cries she tells me to feed her. Other than last night Allie continues to sleep well at night, often ranging 4-7 hours. We won't talk about last night :-) Let's just keep our fingers crossed that it isn't a sign of times to come.


Laurie said...

oh super duper cute! Love how Maddie is the mega helper. And yay that Miss Allie is smiling now AND mostly sleeping.

Katie said...

those two are too cute together!

Meg said...

Wow, new blog! Love the, love the second one of Mad's smiling, and you have no idea how much the third one down of Allie sucking her little 8 week old thumb warms my heart. In the words of lavs: PRESH!!! Makes me want another girl...big time!
And hooray for sleeping through the night Miss A!

zaideafraidey said...

she really is smiling and could not be cuter.