Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thank god for older cousins

Here's a bath for the day. Allie has been eating her "solids" and was quite the mess so we decided to go with the tubby. She, like me, apparently has a very ticklish neck.

Because they teach you the funniest things! I was sitting down the other day when Madeline came up to me and started talking. I said something and she responded, "oh snap" I had to ask her to repeat it a few times and then she told me that "Hallley" (hadley) taught her that one.

Sorry for the long video, I don't know how to trim it on this new computer. Soon, I promise.


Laurie said...

no need to trim, love the baby chuckles. And "oh snap" is def. a useful phrase. Mads is speaking so well!

zaideafraidey said...

darling tubby time.