Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I found one on craigslist in PDX, called the lady up, paid her what she wanted and we're now the proud owners of this little gadget...hopefully by this weekend I'll have Rudder dropping the balls in the bucket instead of (or at least in addition to) Madeline.


Emily Locke said...

Awesome! Banjo definitely needs one of those.

bgirl said...

so excited to see you this coming weekend!

Unknown said...

Love the pictures Lis. What are you doing to them to make them come out so cool looking?

Meg said...

I knew you'd prevail and find one on craigslist, there wasn't a doubt in my mind.

Laurie said...

whatever that thing is, Lucy needs one!

Katie said...

i agree, Luce would love that crazy thing! and i also agree that i like the fancy photos! :)