She's cautious, but then again I don't think I really have an average person to compare her to. How about this: She's more cautious than her big sister.
I've posted on the blog two times that she has accomplished rolling over. Both times she stopped right after I wrote it so I am NOT mentioning that she's been rolling again for all of 24 hours. Kip thinks I put her in tummy time boot camp because we have her 9 month appointment coming up. Kip knows me very well.
Homemade apple sauce is her FAVORITE dish. I tried some homemade veggies but she looked at me like I was crazy when I tried to feed them to her. Went back to Earth's Best organic veggies. Apparently they do a better job than I do in that department.
I got her bangs trimmed yesterday. She looked adorable for the entire 3 seconds it took the lady to cut them. Are they crooked? I am not sure yet. I do know Kip made me feel guilty about doing it so we won't discuss them any longer.
Sleep is also another scary one to write about. I don't want to jinx myself but we've been relatively consistent in going to bed around 6:30 and waking up around 4:00. Unfortunately I need some sleep training to do the same.
Back to the Pal: Rudder is starting to really get her to laugh. She loves watching him run around the house and yard. As much as it drives me crazy to straighten out the rugs 1000xs per day hearing her laugh makes it worth it. When he's in the car with us he always hangs his head over the seats to look at her (or maybe to try and get his head out the window) and this too is hilarious.
Speaking of hilarious, Madeline was never your "typical" baby in that she didn't laugh if you made silly faces or noises. The other day Allie coughed and I fake coughed back. I might has well have been Chelsea Handler. Any kind of silly noises or funny faces induces the cutest gut rolling laughter that you have ever heard.
And finally, two little teeth on the bottom are in.
Allie, thank you so much for being such a sweet little baby. You are the best!
what a darling post....and Zaide is def cheerleader for the bangs - DO NOT LISTEN TO KIP!!! She really is starting to show her little personality - and amazing that she is 8 months old.
agree with Zaides, super cute post - i can't believe she's 8 months already and i still haven't even gotten to meet her!!! soon! :)
What a big girl! Happy birthday!
8 months, wow! We called Alex Allie Pallie when he was little, guess it is automatic. She is simply precious.
so so darling! And what does Kip know about hair anyway??? Listen to your inner-Mother when it comes to these things!
ah lis, this is such a sweet post. here's to allie and to you, awesome mama!
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