Monday, March 1, 2010

Meet Jack


For a long time, well no, for a short time now I have wanted to introduce you to Jack, he's one eyed. That's his name: Jack, he's one eyed. The problem started two years ago when my mom noticing Madeline's love of the Seattle Aquarium decided to bring the aquarium home to us. Then Kip decided to bring us home an ever bigger aquarium when he cracked our very manageable 10 gallon tank. For over a year I dealt with a monstrous 55 gallon tank that not only was a lot of work (funny I accidentally typed alone instead of only...yup, it was me cleaning it. alone.) but also an eyesore. Now we have a very cute bow front 35 gallon tank.'s the tank of death. I guess that's not true. We've had a lot of death due to complete ineptitude. This time I should have known better. One of Madeline's catfish died. She had two. Catfish, according to research done on fish forums by "fishrookie" (I can't let the Internet world know my true identity!) are social fish. Our lone catfish needed a friend. Off to the pet store I went.

On that day I splurged. Bought a fake plant, fun! And 7 neon tetras, pretty! Two danios (also a single fish who looked like he needed some friends) and 2 catfish. 12 hours later? 2 tetras, 1 danio, and Jack, but with one eye. Holy cow, someone ate $20 worth of fish. I should have just saved the gas and flushed a $20 down the toilet. It would have been less traumatic for me and the fish.

So Jack, he's one eyed, appeared to be a trooper. Every morning when I turned on the light I searched him out and tried not to look at the gaping hole in his head where his eye should have been. Every morning until yesterday Jack, he's one eyed, was there and getting along fine. Yesterday Jack be came Jack, he's got no eyes. Today Jack will join his friends in the ocean via the Kohler express. I am sorry Jack. I am a horrible fish mother and until I figure out who the killer is I promise not to buy any more of your brothers or sisters.


Emily Locke said...

my money is on the catfish.

zaideafraidey said...

glad I got to meet Jack before he was no eyed Jack. Knew the tetras were soon to be toast, I have my own Tetra truama and pretty much gave up the fish after that. Do love the new tank, as I always feared that one night the chest of drawers would fall and Maddie would die in the subsequent 50 gallon flood.

Meg said...

Oh yeah, I agree, Mads was going to dogmeat sooner or later with that 50 gallon tank...glad you got that safety hazard outta there. Mom, don't you have a gerbil eating story too? Maybe we shouldn't let you watch both dogs together, one is bound to feast on the other.

Sue said...

and if you had the Hoolies no one would loose an eye . . . and I'm pretty sure you can't kill them - so perhaps some "dogfish" is what the Davis house needs . . .

Laurie said...

gak, this is why NO ONE should have anything to do with sealife. Was "Tillikum" the orca in that tank by any chance? Poor Jack, he is in fish heaven with Cherry the floating on his back goldfish who lasted quite a while for the boys. I think he died of being fed 4x a day

zaideafraidey said...

at least he died fat and happy, still dead though. Gerbils are for another day.

Lis said...
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