Thursday, March 18, 2010

Your Favorite Fan

One speed. Doesn't matter if it's flat, up or down all you have is one speed. But that's okay right? You voluntarily (gasp!) signed up for a running race (double gasp) without me even mentioning a word.

Okay, okay so there was definitely a carrot dangling (beer people, come on) at the finish line for you but who cares. You ran the whole way and even managed to beat a few people along the way.

We're all very proud of you. Good work.


Laurie said...

YAY, you are my hero, Kipper!

Katie said...

haha, love this post. and way to go Kip! :) nothing wrong with being bribed with beer...

bgirl said...

yay! go kip! so awesome.

zaideafraidey said...

one of my favorite things about Kipper is his invincibility. I dutifully went to every elementary cross country meet he had. He came in last every race except one, than he was second to the last, I remember him being so excited that he wasn't last we went out and celebrated. You gotta love that.

Sue said...

the man is a pit-bull. go kip go!

Meg said...

I loved listening to him talk about the fat ladies passing him. He's too funny! And any run that ends with beer is definitely worth doing.