Tuesday, April 20, 2010

veintiuno, einundzwanzig, vingt un, XXI, twenty-one

Sonja is 21 today!

While pregnant with Madeline I came to the realization nearing my ninth month that personality wise I might have a Sonja junior. I also truly believed Maddie would make her appearance on Sonja's birthday...close, she missed it by just over an hour.

Her nickname as a toddler? The naked robber. Unfortunately Sonja still lives up to that name and has now taught Maddie how to moon people. For that Sonja there will be a price to pay. I cannot wait for you to have kids.

Happy Birthday. Have fun tonight!


zaideafraidey said...

the telephone text proved that Sonja had a great time OR just enjoys cleaning toilets in the wee hours. Happy bday Sonja.

Laurie said...

lol, naked and mooning, that def. fits Maddie. Now we know she gets it from both sides of the family.

Meg said...

Sonja, hope you remember none of it!