Today we went to UVillage. UVillage has these events called "village playdays." I don't know why I keep trying. Someday Maddie will participate. I hope. Today the event was yoga at Lululemon. She was pumped, I was pumped, we were totally ready to rock out the yoga at Lulu. As long as Madeline didn't mention that we do downward dog to wipe her tush to the entire group we would be good.
Well, she didn't mention it which is great but she also choked under pressure. We left early. No big deal. UVillage has a lot of cute things to do even without the village playday. We cruised on over to the playground, climbed on the cows, played with the squirting turtles and even had an awesome sandwich at Specialty's bakery.
Kids Club (a toy store/hair salon) had free bang trims today. Allie got her hairs did and my does she look cute with her little pigtails and bangs. Love it. LOVE it. As Kip put it, she is A-freaking-dorable. Madeline even benefited by getting a balloon out of the whole deal.
We can probably all guess how the balloon story ends. But Madeline, if you're reading this some years down the road, when you lost that balloon tonight my heart broke for you. We were out weeding in the yard discussing how you were going to keep a tight hold on the string because if you dropped the balloon it would be gone forever and you would cry. Well, you dropped it and I do believe this was your first experience with regret. The sadness emanating off your little body killed me. You wanted to know what would happen to the balloon and if it would indeed be gone forever. Sorry little one, it is but I promise we'll get you another one soon.
fudgies 4ever!!!! and so sad Mads, balloons are tough playthings. They always break your heart.
poor Maddie, that is tough. and Allie looks super duper cute with her fudgies and bangs, i agree!
Agreed. A-freaking-dorable! Poor Maddie. I remember when I was little I had a pez dispenser that I LOVED, but it met a similar fate as the balloon when I tried balancing it on the toilet seat while it was flushing. Fortunately for you the balloon didn't require a major plumbing job.
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