Maddie loves to go swimming although lately Allie and I have proven to be far too distracting during her lessons. We go outside and hide so that Madeline can focus. Foruntately it's not too big of a deal to hang out by the car as the pool is insanely hot.
The first picture is a Kip counseling session. There's a light at the end of the pool that fuh-reaks maddie out. Kip was touching it and trying to show her that it's no big deal. We think she finally started opening her eyes in the pool so is now just noticing it.
OMG that one of her ready to dive in is adorable. Can you send it to me?
I LOVE the very last picture of Maddie in the sunglasses (is the tag still on?) and the monkey towel. What a cool cat!
Mads is definitely too cool for school in her shades and towel! And I love that diving in (ready to anyway) picture, she is very brave. She and Mikey need to swim together, he has NO fear either. Funny that she is scared of the light.
can swim-team be far behind?
too bad she can't go to Pins N Fins for swim team!!! Blue speedos 4ever!
can you send me that picture???
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