Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloweenie

She was a chicken. Again. I know. It's so cute though! And she is a TOTAL CHICKEN! First of all someone did not want to actually speak once the doorbell was rung so typically an enthusiastic 35 year old man (Kip) would say TRICK OR TREAT! But, I'll quote Maddie here, "that's okay." (this applies to anything- from breaking cups, stealing toys from Allie, or not saying trick or treat)

This little Pumpkin borrowed her outfit from her big cousin. Unfortunately she refused to wear the matching hat.

But that's okay.
Wow, Mads. It really DOES apply to all situations.

Yay for King Sized candy!

One house was particularly scary and sent Maddie running down the steps crying. See, chicken fits!

After that it seemed like it was Kip's goal to prove to these two girls that indeed it was not scary... If you know Maddie you know how well that worked.

Um, I think it's scary too!

At this house Maddie attempted the walk up to the door but a flapping bat had her running. Kip kept trying to call her to come back up but she would say, "Yup dad, I see it." "Nope, that's okay, I can see it from here dad." It was quite comical.

We've spent the rest of the night answering the door and devouring our candy. there's not much left in either bucket. No more candy drama. Whatever doesn't get finished tonight goes in the garbage.
On a funny note Maddie did not say trick or treat once tonight but has thoroughly enjoyed opening the door for us and handing out candy. one girl did not say anything and Maddie held the candy back and said, "no candy for you unless you say trick or treat" She complied.


Katie said...

LOVE the chicken - i hope she finds a way to wear it every year til she's 20! (Of course by then it'll end up being "slutty chicken" probably, but that's okay) LOL

Laurie said...

god that house is creepy. I'd run away too. Love your "Mike n Ikes" picture. We were discussing h'ween candy and that one got my vote for the WORST candy (besides green Dots). I was voted down, but still.

zaideafraidey said...

the chicken is darn cute. She should have been with us... there were a few houses that Hads attempted to bolt and I turned her right back around!!

Emily Locke said...

super cute costumes! And is that a thomas bucket I see? What will they think of next?

Meg said...

Cute. Cute. Cute!!!! Love Al as the pumpkin, adorable! I can just imagine Kip loving to scare poor Mads. Oh the life she has to look forward to with him:).