Friday, October 15, 2010

While you were out

On Sunday, the day we left for our trip my mom, Chris and Sophia came and picked the girls up to take them to Remlinger Farms. Maddie was in heaven...they got to go on a train. Allie was a little unsure about the petting zoo vacillating between "ohmygodthisisawesome" to "ohmygodgetthatthingawayfromme"

Allie loves to play at windows and doors.

Smooshing her nose against the glass is a must

Thank god for Skype and email...I definitely needed my daily fix of these two.


zaideafraidey said...

sign that girl up for yoga!!

Laurie said...

seriously, her downward dog is to die for. and Yay for pumpkin farms! You MUST investigate a railroad career for Mads, it seems to be destiny.