Friday, November 5, 2010

A Record

Monday we had a record breaking 1.5" rain.
Wednesday we had record breaking temps- 74 degrees in Novemeber.
Thursday Kip took the girls out to play in the yard while I was at work AND took pictures. Truly a record worth noting.


Sophia said...

kip's a pretty darn good photographer

zaideafraidey said...

he is learning from you, trust me he did not get that from his parents. Darling pics.

Emily Locke said...

hasn't the weather been great, until today that is. love the flying allie.

Laurie said...

I'm impressed Kip! I coulda sworn Lis took those pix. Very cute and your backyard looks like little girl heaven.

Val said...

impressive pics Kip!

Meg said...

I'm amazed Kipper was even in the backyard watching them!