She also had a hearing test. This hearing test made me love children's hospital even more. Their staff is so friendly and watching Maddie interact with these people was adorable. Every time the tone came on she had to push a button which made a bear come out and dance. She'd probably correct me if she could read. I don't know if it was a bear or not but something came out and danced.
Her left ear was not technically at the hearing loss zone but it was not normal. It also had a flat tympanogram. (it's supposed to look like a mountain) All signs of goop in her middle ear. When they tested the bone behind her ear she had normal hearing. So, what to do? Tonsils, adenoids and tubes in the ear were just what the doctor ordered.
On the day of surgery the doctor told us that we were in kind of a grey area for tubes. Obviously they'd rather not put them in... it's just one more thing to complicate things. He said he'd go in while she was sedated and take a really good look. Turns out we were not at all in a grey area. She had what he called "glue" ear. Meaning when he went to suction her ear the goop snapped back in because it was so thick, which meant it had been there for months. Tubes went in.
Despite their best efforts to keep Maddie calm the anesthesiologist made the mistake of showing Maddie the mask that they would be putting on her to sedate her. Needless to say she was not happy. So...I had to carry her to the OR and hold her down while they put the mask on her to sedate her. They kept saying, "Good job." I think a lot of parents freak out and make them take the mask off. I was definitely not going to prolong hers, mine, or anyone else's misery by doing that.
Maddie's surgery was only about 25 minutes but we were at the hospital from 7:30 until 11:30. This little girl did NOT want to wake up. When they brought her out from recovery she was very loving and shared her Popsicle with Allie. It was so cute. However she also looked like crap and I felt terrible.
Instead of wheelchairs, or rather in addition to wheelchairs they have wagons. Maddie was in heaven towing Allie around.
Cute peaches in her hospital gown
Holding her balloon from Baba, Zaide, Auntie Megan and Uncle Ryan
It's definitely been quite the week trying to recover from this. The painkiller that was prescribed apparently tastes like crap. Maddie threw-up the first dose. I made a 4:00AM run to Walgreens to get it flavored for her. Still doesn't taste very good. She has turned down every possible sugary item I have offered. It seems like if we get behind on her pain at all things go downhill FAST. I've been mixing protein powder into everything and essentially force feeding her. Apparently day 3 & 4 are supposed to be the worst. Keep your fingers crossed that by tomorrow, day 5, we start to climb back out of this miserableness.
poor sweet girl - and maddie too - but it will be so worth it in the long run. what a trooper that girl is! she is BIG
poor peanut! hope you are all feeling better STAT!!! love that she got to wear the gown with naked peaches, bet she was in heaven! :)
um peaches in hospital gown = presh. Poor little mouse and poor mama, it's so hard to see them not feeling good. Fingers crossed that she (and you) are feeling better stat!
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