She will brush Allie's teeth but not her own...

However, after cleaning up my fifth pile of barf today (B-Z also got the honors of cleaning one up) I was finally sitting down to eat some lunch when Rudder wandered off. I was too slow. There was a tsunami of water and foot bits coming out of his mouth. I have honestly never seen anything like it. Of course he did it so it hit the rug and went into a closet so everything had to be emptied out. After that he seemed to perk up a bit and ate some food. I've been sitting here watching him for the last 15 minutes and am hopeful that he finally got out whatever he ate that was upsetting him. Otherwise we're off to the vet.
Poor Ruds :-(
He definitely had upside down eyes all day long.
She built a tree. Notice the star light hanging just above her pile of bears. Yup, that's the tree-topper.
Can't wait for this rain to stop. We need to burn off some energy.
Maddie and I had a pep talk before we got to the pool. Well, not a pep talk per se but she got the message when I said, "you pull any of your stunts again we're not coming back. Ever."
I am a paranoid Paula when it comes to being late for things. On time equals 15 minutes early. SO, I had an errand to run and the car needed gas so somehow I managed to show up at swimming 30 minutes early. 30 minutes to try and entertain a 3.5 year old who desperately wants in the water and a 17 month old who desperately is running for the door. Except, they surprised me. Maybe showing up early helped Allie. We sat and watched the lesson before ours. None of the other babies were crying. None of the other babies needed their mom to hold them down on the edge of the pool. So apparently she wasn't going to do any of these things either. She loved it! She hammed it up for everyone. She didn't cry when she went down the slide and her head went underwater, nor did she cry when they dunked her head in.
And apparently Maddie believed my threat. Now if only she'd take a nap!
Photo is blurry b/c this kid was not going to stick around unless I held her to the side of the pool. Can't wait to see what lesson number two brings.
There's just something about seeing this little bundle of energy sleeping with her rosy, angelic little face poking out from the covers that just makes my heart sing. Even better now with those tonsils out, no more oxymoron: cute girl sleeping with 60 year old man snores.
Another Christmas gift that's getting a ton of use around here. The Nook is Barnes and Noble's version of the Kindle except it's in color and will read out loud to you. It's been fun downloading books and listening to them. Unfortunately I might need a second job with all of these books. Both girls have mastered the touch screen and can turn the pages of the book. Allie doesn't really get when to do it but Maddie listens to the story and turns the pages at appropriate times. Pretty amazing that they can figure this technology out so quickly.
Back before Christmas we had errands to run at Redmond Town Center so Rudder came along and we went to Marymoore dog park. I swear that park always has the most gigantic dogs! Our trip was cut a tad short after Maddie fell in a frozen mud puddle but not before we wore Rudder out. The back of my car is still covered in mud thanks to the struggle of trying to get him in the car. He did not want to get in. So I was trying to pick up a squirming dog and shove him in the car. We impress a lot of people when we go out, yes we do. (He's still a little PTSD after I closed his tail in the hatch. What a weenie.)
Kip and Maddie's obsession.
It's definitely MUCH better than your average kiddie music band. (it's the guys from the presidents of the united states of america)