Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Murphy's Law

My BFF Siri got me a groupon for 2.5 hours of house cleaning for Christmas. Despite what my family says she did not get it for me because I am dirty...only because she's thoughtful and knows what a fantastic gift this is for ME. Well, you know how this story unfolds don't you? I probably don't need to explain what happened, just WHO it happened to be.

After we put Madeline to bed last night she came back in the room saying Rudder was making noises. Kip went to investigate and came back to report that Rudder had puked. I can deal with a lot of gross things but I have a really tough time with barf. Kip cleaned it up. I thought that was the end of the story. Nope, he had more in store. I got to clean up the most foul smelling throw up in the history of throw up this morning. Maddie dry heaved, I threw up and Allie sat on her little stool and colored and said "stinky". It reminded me of the Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation movie where the old man is sitting in the living room with the squirrel while everyone else has run away. She had no clue. Every time I walked back in I dry heaved. I called my mom to see if she'd come get it but alas, she sucks.

I had to remove the rug from the room and scrub everything down. There was bile everywhere.

However, after cleaning up my fifth pile of barf today (B-Z also got the honors of cleaning one up) I was finally sitting down to eat some lunch when Rudder wandered off. I was too slow. There was a tsunami of water and foot bits coming out of his mouth. I have honestly never seen anything like it. Of course he did it so it hit the rug and went into a closet so everything had to be emptied out. After that he seemed to perk up a bit and ate some food. I've been sitting here watching him for the last 15 minutes and am hopeful that he finally got out whatever he ate that was upsetting him. Otherwise we're off to the vet.

Poor Ruds :-(

He definitely had upside down eyes all day long.


Michelle said...

I feel bad for Rudder but worse for you - dog vomit is the worst. Lis, you are an amazing photographer. I love your picture - you have an excellent eye. Keep up the great work.

Laurie said...

oh that is the worst (well dog diarrhea in the house is worse). Poor Ruds, and poor Lis to have to be the cleaner. Hope he is better!

Meg said...

Remember when Rudy's anal sacs burst when you and Kipper were over at our Shoreline house? Was the smell that bad??? gift ever. Send Siri my name and number:).