Wednesday, February 2, 2011

18 months

Fortunately not a lot has changed in the last week because we're a tad late on this post, but my oh my has this little baby girl totally blossomed into a little toddler. She loves to follow her big sister around and has learned a few tricks that I wish she hadn't. Allie is an expert at moving stools and chairs in order to climb up and get into trouble. We no longer have a bread drawer. It's a "get the bread as high as you can get it cupboard." Bread is her basic staple. If she were to play Oregon Trail I don't think she'd buy anything but carbs. Anything resembling a vegetable goes immediately to Rudder who rests his head on her chair during dinner.
We just started swimming lessons with Allie. After three lessons of screaming her head off she now enjoys them. A lot. She goes down the slide, jumps in, and even gets her face wet with nary a sign of concern.
Allie is also very outgoing. While leaving the gym today someone opened the door for us and she announced, "thank you." She waves hello and goodbye to everyone and always has a smile on her face. Speaking of smiles almost all of her teeth are in and they are huge. And adorable.
The last thing about Allie that I want to mention is her love of her babies. I think that her survival of the fittest mode kicked in when she learned not to love just one specific baby (can you even imagine?? I can't even keep track of my car keys!) but loves to snuggle with any stuffed animal you hand her.
We love you Pal! Happy 18 months.


Laurie said...

Ah, so adorable! Can't believe she is so big!

Sue said...

OMG - a kid! so darling!