Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This sums up the latter half of our day

Allie woke up far to soon from a nap with a horrible mess in her dipe.  Maddie never took a nap.  Zaide called to tell me some bad news...Hads threw up on her mama.  Uh oh.  While I held a mellow Allie in my lap Madeline was playing with her trains on the floor when WHAM- projectile vomit. Now she has a nest, and a bowl, on my bedroom floor.  Round 502 coming up.  Let's hope they're right when they say this thing only lasts 12 hours.
And by the way, Maddie doesn't want to "grow-up" again. 


Laurie said...

upside-down eyes for sure. Poor little mouse. And poor mama. I don't miss those days.

Meg said...

Good luck...we're on day 3 of it. 12 hours is a crock. Just when I think we're finished, she'd does it again. Like this morning, on the way to preschool. For the love.

Unknown said...

Oh poor little bug. How come all of our girls are sick?! I hope all of the girls are feeling better. At least Mads has an iPad to keep her company.

zaideafraidey said...

funny we had discussed having the flu and being in bed with a bowl. I must have made it sound like a lot of fun!!