Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Big Girl Bed

Miller Pollard in the UVillage recently went out of business.  I have been eyeing a twin sized bed there for a long time but at $1800 it was NOT happening on my budget.  However, I figured if it was meant to be it was meant to be so with only a few hours left of the sale I called the store and asked if the bed was still there.  It was and so off Kip went to go and pick it up.  Since then I've been itching to put Allie in it and having her trying to escape from her crib was all the excuse I needed.

My mom made the oh-so-cute and super trendy pom poms for us.  We love them.  Well, I don't know about Allie since she still speaks gibberish but I love them.  The chair and ottoman is from the Davis household.  The rug is from Salvation Army (it's pottery barn teen) for $30 and her dresser is from craigslist.

Last night was Allie's first night in her bed and she did great.  No problems with her trying to escape (yet that is. I am not totally disillusioned that she's going to stay put forever). And she took a nap there this afternoon for two hours with absolutely no fuss.
There's still a ton more to do (like repaint the walls since they've always sucked and I accidentally touched up with the wrong color blue) but for now we love it!


Laurie said...

her room is adorable, no wonder she stays in bed. I certainly would if I had a presh bedroom like that. Too bad about Miller Pollard, cool store. But win-win for you! PS nice find on the rug at the 'Will.

Meg said...

So very cute. Good job on the rug and on the really have a knack for getting things on the cheap. I mean that in a good way. I wish I were less impulsive. I mean that in a bad way.

Meg said...


zaideafraidey said...

ummmm...didn't I paint the walls???Or I know I did the closet, you should not let blind people paint your house!! The room is sooo cute and love the pom poms, just saw those in pottery barn catalogue and thought they would look so cute in a little girls room and now they do. Those PB people think of everything.

Val said...

The room is really cute! Love the rug, what a find!