Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I found this very cute little frame at target the other day and it immediately made me think of my most favorite picture of the girls (not taken by me of course).  It was in the clearance section for $5! So I snatched it up, tore off the backing, cut some construction paper to hide the hot air balloons, popped in the picture and taped it all back up. Voila. Instant cuteness!


zaideafraidey said...

perfect....and as you have this in a big canvas maybe....A good bday idea for Zaids!!!

Katie said...

SUPER cute!

Meg said...

She's crafty (sung in the Beastie Boys tune). I wish I could think like this.

Laurie said...

that is super clever! And I'll bet you thought up that idea all by yourself and didn't steal it from anyone :-)