Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hello, Good morning

First we get Allie out of her crib. I say we because Maddie NEVER sleeps in.  Two times now I have found Danger Dave with a leg slung out of the crib.  Might be time to go and get a twin-sized mattress.

Then we make our way downstairs for some "ce-ce" (cereal)
After breakfast we all take a shower together and get dressed.  My phone then takes a beating from either girl and many an app gets deleted while I am getting ready.

And then whatever personal bubble I had left after M and A is gone,  all by 7:00 AM.  How exciting!


Laurie said...

you are busy bees in the morning. Lucy and I have a much more relaxed AM schedule thank goodness. And it does look like time for the crib to go in the garage to await the next babe :-)

zaideafraidey said...

hooray Laurie keep up the pressure!! (seeing that it is not helping with the virginians)

Meg said...

Such a cute top pic of those two hooligans.

bgirl said...

gorgeous shot.