Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Puddle Walk

Subtract about five degrees from our recent weather, wake up from a coma, and you'd be convinced it was January.  This was no "spring time" puddle walk.  We made it about 100' before we were both freezing. 

But in a glass is half full kind of world:

Maddie had her umbrella to keep her dry.  She loves her umbrella. 

Our dog is techincally a "water" dog.  He was cool with the rain, puddles and wind.

(that's yogurt on his face.  I let him clean our recycling for us)

With the 18" of rain we've received over the past week the flowers are BLOOMING.  And they are gorgeous. 

And supposedly it's supposed to be nice tomorrow and Friday.


Unknown said...

Um, everything about Mad's outfit is ADORABLE! Seriously, the girl is so precious. And if I had that umbrella, I'd find a way to use it every day. So cute. :)

Laurie said...

gorgeous pictures of the flowers. And your girl is such a fashionista! I too would be out in the rain daily if I had cute Thomas rainboots and a fabulous umbrella.