Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Randoms

Practicing wedding hair

Planting springtime color

The neighbors stopped by yesterday to say they were stopped in their tracks when they saw my hippie child.

Learning how to ride a bike
Sometimes takes a little demonstration


Laurie said...

the Thomas Boots! TDF. And your flower child is adorable, you'd never know she is full of beans.

Sue said...

Is that a tattoo on her arm or finger prints left by a mad mama? Just kidding - and she can't help the nakedini - she is B all the way!

bgirl said...

love this! go mads!

zaideafraidey said...

love her beatiful wedding hair

Meg said...

She is a total hippie. We need to teach her the peace sign this weekend. And maybe get her high.

Kathleen Mullaney said...

great pictures...........Happy mother's Day.........just a few days late!