Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Much of my day is spent refereeing these two.  It gets old.  Reeeeaaaaaall fast.  But somehow I manage to forget it all (the ear-piercing screeches that Allie's gotten good at too) when they love on each other. 

excuse the grainy cell phone pics.

Behold, some sister lovin'


zaideafraidey said...

could it be she is just practicing her choke hold movement!! They do love each other, fun to watch Hads and Cars too.

Laurie said...

Just so you know, they fight constantly even when they are grown up :-) But love each other to pieces too. Cute sissies!

Sophia said...

i thought the same thing as bz...rear naked choke hold? :)

Meg said...

Long live the chokehold. They are pretty stinkin' cute.