Saturday, June 25, 2011


After and Before:

Underneath our deck is U-G-L-Y.  I've been trying to figure out what to do to hide it.  I saw an online tutorial on on how to create a hanging herb garden from a door shoe rack organizer.  it seemed like a great idea...but I worried that I'd be spending $30 on something that was going to rot by the end of the summer.  Cue the craigslist free section..pallets!  Off to Lowes to buy a staple gun, some landscape fabric to line the back of the pallets with and a bag of dirt.  The left pallet is all veggies and herbs, the right one is annuals and a few perennials.  Cross your fingers this little experiment works!


Kathleen Mullaney said...

good job!!.........vertical garden!

Sue said...

you are so clever!!! how do you have time to think of this stuff???

Laurie said...

love it! It is a brills idea for hiding the fugly under-the-deck area. You are a clever girl, and Molbak's has this same thing (only fancier of course) for about a zillion bucks. So yay for being thrifty.

Laurie said...

seriously? i love this idea! can't wait to see if it works (which i'm sure it will)!!!

Katie said...

(That was me above)...

zaideafraidey said...

wow looks great, is this what you did with your "free" weekend time?