Thursday, June 2, 2011

Take two

Or 300...Kip is smiling in this picture but it isn't real.  I wanted a picture of the two of us to document that we do indeed occasionally leave our house.  Somehow I wasn't gifted with the self-portrait capabilities, or rather I was too gifted.  There were a lot of shots of my face and Kip's ear.  This was my LAST CHANCE before he threw me off the stands at the baseball game.

And lucky us Uncle Chris and Aunt Sophia watched the girls.  Mads and Allie had a bath in a GIANT tub, played with a new Thomas tent that Aunt Sophia was so nice to buy for them, and stayed up WAY past their (and Uncle Chris' and Aunt Sophia's) bedtime. 

Those are Aunt Sophia's undies...yes, she was going commando again and again I failed to pack a pair.  One of these days I'll figure this all out.

Or she will.  That's probably more likely.


Laurie said...

that little naked jungle is going to be a mighty popular gal in high school.

zaideafraidey said...

they look so darling from their tubbies, Auntie Sophia has a way with hair.

Sue said...

who needs underwear anyway???!!!