Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Finally, summer has arrived.  It'll be gone before we know it so we are enjoying every possible second.  Now that we're yacht owners (just KIDDING) we like to chillax out on the lake...and that we did today.
Allie, the little diva showing off her new shades and life jacket.

Maddie practicing with her goggles.  We've had two traumatic swim classes this last week.  I had to take her to our local pool to practice goggle usage.  Someone is a tad bit afraid of pool grates, and pool lights, and pool jets, etc... So, now we are GOOD.  Or at least I hope so.  Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow's lesson.


Unknown said...

I don't blame her. Best not to see what's at the bottom of the pool... my best friend has an irrational phobia (redundant I know) of the black lane lines on the bottom of the pool. Love our brave little Maddie though for giving it a try. And the pic of Allie in her shades is to die for!

Laurie said...

I die. That is all. Other than to point out that Maddie would be fine if you'd let her swim nakedini.

jillybean said...

I'm happy to see Maddie getting over her fear of goggles and putting her head in the water. Another step in becoming a great swimmer.