Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Not my best performance

After a long day of getting new phones last week (think sitting on radio shack's floor for two hours) I rewarded the girls for their awesome behavior (they really were awesome) with a 30 second trip to Lowes (the pumpkin patch) to get our pumpkins.  Neither girl new the difference, although Maddie is going on a field trip to a real pumpkin patch so she'll soon know I totally jipped her, and both were beyond ecstatic.  We bought a pumpkin for Nonna, Sonja, Rudder, Allie, Maddie and Mama.  Sorry if you didn't make the cut.  But feel better knowing Mama's pumpkin is the big fat round one.  And not just "Mama, that's your pumpkin." More along the lines of "And that's mama, and that's..." 

So I continued my lackluster performance and after days of BEGGING to carve pumpkins and wield knives I finally relented and said go for it.  I took three usable pictures.  I'm sure we'll have a take-two on this whole escapade.  Who wants to go to a pumpkin farm with us? 

Also, last year we went to the Suncadia fall festival.  Both Hadley and Maddie refused to ride the adorable ponies they had.  Instead we went on a hay ride from hell.  It was about -20C, windy, and we sat on some gross hay and drove around a paved (dusty) construction site.  Anyhow, since that day Maddie has insisted that she wants to ride a horse.  She loves horses.  And everytime she sees one she calls it Love.  (The pony's name that she refused to ride)  If anyhone's down to make a trek to the country, pay a large admission fee to enter the farm, pay $8 to ride a pony for 3 minutes and watch Maddie chicken out, let me know!

edit: now I do feel bad! She's been talking about Love for TWO years!


Laurie said...

I seriously HATE pumpkin carving. Worse than I hate ponies. So happy Lucy doesn't know about the pumpkin patch yet :-)

And doesn't the zoo still have their ghetto pony rides? Maybe cheaper than a trip to the "farm". I let the boys ride the ponies a few years ago, they loved it, and no one got any diseases (that I know of)

PS take pix of your pennies floor

zaideafraidey said...

went to see if the gala was still on at Suncadia and they were done last week, next year for sure. Is Sonya home???

Kathleen Mullaney said...

What fun!...........can't wait to see the pumpkins carved!