Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Advent Calendar

Eating something other than bread or cheese can be tough on our little Allie.  She's not quite the "pal" when it comes to meal planning.  But it makes it that much worse for her when there is, or isn't, a door to open after she eats her dinner.

Especially when Maddie is chomping on her yummy treat (astronaut ice cream) (and Maddie is obviously loving the fact that Allie is crying and not enjoying her treat)

That's when we get the full on gagging on my food theatrics.  A sweet potato french fry.  I am one mean mama.


Laurie said...

oh little drama queen. Love you. And love your mean big sister with the smug smile.

Kelsey said...

Eli has twice projectile vomitted when forced to have a bite of broccoli and pasta salad. Bread, bread, and more bread.

Meg said...

All of it...hilarious! And cracks me up that Mads is so pleased with her astronaut ice cream...her daddy would be smiling that big too.

jillybean said...

Ahhh, siblings love to torment one another. Those photos couldn't say it any better.