Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Santa 2011

The bets:
Carson? Cry
Allie? Cry
Hadley? Smile
Maddie? Wildcard

Allie insisted that she was going to smile this year for Santa.  Here she is practicing her most natural smile with Zaide.

Here she is a few seconds after seeing Santa from about 30' away.

Big girl cousins. 

Cousin shot:

So B-Z grew a 20 pound attachment to her hip after Allie saw Santa and I wish I would have taken a video of her trying to get Allie to sit with the other kiddos.  She was not having it.  And I'm pretty sure all of Bellevue knew she was not having it.  If you look to the right of Allie you'll see one of Santa's helpers forcing her to stay in the picture.  Remarkably Allie and Carson both stopped crying.  And Maddie surpised us all with a smile.

And 100% shocked me when she stayed in the sleigh to have a few words with Santa.

Crazy Zaide who takes these nut jobs every year to have their picture taken.  I love looking at the progression of santa pics on the mantle.  Those will come soon.  Thank you Zaide for this special treat!

And then per their aunt's advice, I had Maddie and Allie's picture taken today too.  Fortunately Maddie has a very sweet cousin who let her borrow some very cute clothes.

Are you totally dying laughing at Allie's fake smile? HI-LAR-EEEE-USSS


Sue said...

It's ok Pal - you do what you gotta do . . .

Laurie said...

so cute! Love all of these, esp the hiding elf keeping Al from bolting. Next year, Allie, you will be smiling that cheesy grin for Santy.

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure Mads is crying because she knows Santa has to get through Hadley to get to her. Throw Lenny to Santa first. Love Allie's fake smile. Way to get through it sister. And Zaide, you are still a saint... or else you love watching your grandchildren cry.... A bit of both perhaps. :)

Meg said...

These pics are all adorable! I am stealing and posting...just warning you.

jillybean said...

I loved the description of Allie sticking to Zaide like super strength velcro rather than sitting on Santa's lap. I agree that Zaide is 'Super Zaide' for tackling the task of getting the kids to Santa every year.