Wednesday, January 4, 2012


My little swimmer.  She jumps in with her eyes open and pops up with the biggest grin on her face.


jamie said...

Cute pic of Fern!

Lis said...

fern is super cute. and so is that name

Laurie said...

who's Fern? Is that like Hadley's alias "Pam"? Also, I'm amazed that your girls are such fearless little tadpoles.

Lis said...

One of the names I threw ou while trying to decide on one for Allie was fern. I still maintain that it's a cute name despite my family's ridicule.

Laurie said...

um they were right to ridicule. FERN?! Hiddy. Alex tried to talk his mom into naming the new baby Fauna. Thank god he ended up being Mikey.

Lis said...

Think charlotte's web. Super cute!

Meg said...

Oh little Fern. And you guffawed at Alice. I am literally laughing out loud right now. I forgot about Fern. She is so FERN now for her life.

Laurie said...

if you get her a pig for the backyard/farmyard, THEN she can be Fern.