Sunday, February 5, 2012


The Prentice Clan came down today for a visit.  Maddie has been so excited to show Hadley her chickens.  And we welcome Hadley and Carson with open arms to come any day of the week.  Maddie took a LONG nap after they left.

Can you even believe they're almost five???


And the obligatory nake-o pic.  Somehow these girls manage to get naked every single time they hang out together.  And even though it was sunny, it was most definitely not warm. 


Meg said...

LOVE that top pic of Mads and's gonna need to go on my photo wall (can you do that with iphone pics). Thanks for having us over, it was fabulous. We need to do this more often. My kids fell asleep before we were even out of Lakeridge. And I loved the chickens...from afar. However, I would love a coop in my is soo cute. And your yard looks great btw. Okay, too much coffee.

Meg said...

And the nakes...these girls!

Laurie said...

the cutie nudies with the naughty bodies!

Unknown said...

Love the nakedinis! So cute those cousins.

Val said...

dying over the bottom pic- brrr!!!! They look so grown up and pretty in the top pic!

Sue said...

they will be SO pissed at you in 10 years for the last one . . .