Tuesday, February 7, 2012


A trifecta:

A visiting puppy that knocked baby sister over multiple times
Hanging with the ladies in the coop
A new little chair feeder (thanks Nonna) that we can put fresh corn on the cob on.  (the chickens LOVED it)


Laurie said...

Miss Maddie looks very Little House on the Prairie in her skirt & boots. Where did your mom find the chair feeder? I'm sure the Parlange chickens would love that too.

Lis said...

I think she found it at Lowes. It's super cute.

Val said...

Hadley was telling Lauren & Ben all about the chickens yesterday, she thinks they are pretty cool! She wanted to know if they held chickens or not because she just likes to look at them. I'm with her on that one! Looks like Maddie is in love with these chickens though!

Meg said...

She is SOOOOO Little House. Is she Jo or Meg (I don't remember the other names)? That girl and those chickens!

Laurie said...

um Laura and Mary. Jo and Meg are from Little Women. Geez get your 19th century literary references right :0

And Maddie is definitely a Laura. Mary was the prissy goody goody sister who stayed inside and helped her mother.