Thursday, February 9, 2012


I was feeling pretty nice today...

Honestly, normally I'm not.  But they made their own personal pizzas.  And  they chowed them down. Along with a salad...

Maddie got her February school lunch today.  Chocolate milk, cake, cookies.  We had a discussion.  Is it weird that her teacher didn't say/do anything?  I get that it's not necessarily the teacher's place to interject feelings/mores on food issues but don't you think a 4 year old choosing dessert for her lunch might be redirected to go and pick up some veggies?


Laurie said...

They LET them pick what they want?! Never heard of that. Of course she is going to go straight for the sugar.

zaideafraidey said...

wondering if sometimes teaching is a bit like mommying..if 20 kids are being quiet and content "just go with it!" Think Mads buying days are over. (And could she have selected the veggies and NOT eaten them, sometimes there is a line between what they tell you and what actually happened.

Laurie said...

you have a good point Zaids. Really, the good thing about the school lunch is getting to BUY it, standing in the line with the tray. Most of it goes directly in the garbage can in my experience with children who eat very well at home (not my own kids of course. They LOVED the school lunch, the starchier the better)

Val said...

When I was teaching we always made the kids chose at least one fruit and one veggie but they almost ALWAYS ended up in the trash so then I always wondered what the point's a tricky one!

jillybean said...

From what I have heard it seems that you have been making your point about what Maddie can pick out the next time she gets to buy her lunch. It will be interesting to see what her next 'school' lunch will consist of.