Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Well, she's back to the "Mama, I'm not tired, I don't want to take a nap."  But at least she's writing sweet notes to her baby sister.

Translated:  Allie, you are very smart.  I love you.  From Maddie"

She sounded it all out on her own. 


Laurie said...

thank you for the translation. Are you SURE that's what Maddie wrote? BC sisters...

Sophia said...

you should frame that.

Sue said...

l.o.v.e. her fancy writing - and I'll take her naps for her . . .

Meg said...

So cute. I'm with Laurie. I think it's probably some encrypted message to Al...like don't fall asleep tonight, because I am coming into your room to steal your toys.

jillybean said...

How fantastic that Maddie is writing and sounding out her words. With that said, I would have never guessed what she was trying to say in the note to Allie.

Kathleen Mullaney said...

Excellent letters!!