Monday, March 26, 2012


Another day of sun =

Bike riding with chickens

Rudder getting his ball chucked until he dropped from exhaustion

A little weeding and worm hunting

And TWO eggs in the nesting box.  Good work Ladies!

(Allie was napping during all of this.  She's been a total crab lately.  And she woke up a total crab.  Please, someone tell her she's almost three.  She doesn't need to start her terrible two's now.)


Laurie said...

Too bad Crabby Appleton had to miss out on the bike riding/chicken fun. I can't get enough of pictures of Maddie with her chicken. They are the BEST.

jillybean said...

I agree that the Maddie and chicken photos are a hit with me as well.

Meg said...

That gal & her chickens never ceases to crack me up. She is a proud little Mama.